The journey documenting Australian ravens started with the generous donation of a telescopic lens by a friend (thank you Robert Agostino). Since my partner was already an avid bird watcher it did not take much for me to become obsessed with this airborne society revolving around our human one. Australia is a paradise for birds since there are barely any naturaly predators. I became particularly interested in photographing Australian ravens. It goes without saying that the image of a raven, let alone a murder of ravens is loaded with meaning in a global folklore and mythology. The are as meaningfull in stories of First Nation people in Australia as they are to people in the Western world. For me these images are a celebration of the relationships I have built, at distance of the focal lenght of my lens, with a few local chapters of these magical creatures.
Most of the birds depicted here are part of a handfull communities I have been documenting over the years. Initially our relationship was one where I saw these animals as ominous bringers of bad news. As I grew closer to them a feeling of tenderness prevailed fuelled by little moments I was privileged to capture. My obsessive facination with these animals is a continuous thread through my day to day, commuting to work on my bike and spying continuously for black silhouettes perched on streetlights or soaring through the skies.